
    Extraction of flavonoids from avocado peel and purification with macroporous resin

    • 摘要: 该文研究了油梨皮黄酮的提取及大孔树脂纯化条件。结果表明:油梨皮黄酮的最佳提取条件为乙醇浓度70%、提取温度70℃、提取时间1.5 h、料液比(m/V)1︰20。乙醇浓度和提取温度对提取得率有显著性(P<0.05)影响。在此条件下,黄酮的提取得率为1.12%;AB-8型树脂对油梨皮黄酮有较好的吸附和洗脱效果,其纯化油梨皮黄酮的条件为柱体积250 mL,上样量2.03 g,水洗,接着用75%的乙醇洗脱(约500 mL),在此条件下AB-8型树脂可重复使用6次。经纯化后油梨皮黄酮相对纯度为82.37%,纯化后总黄酮回收率为71.65%。


      Abstract: The optimization of extraction technology with traditional orthogonal design and further purification with macroporous resin of flavonoids from avocado peel were studied. The results show that the optimum extraction conditions are as follows: ethanol concentration is 70%, extraction temperature is 70℃, extraction time is 1.5 h and the ratio of avocado peel to ethanol (m/V) is 1︰20. The factors of ethanol concentration and extraction temperature have significant effects on the yield of avocado peel flavonoids. Under the optimal conditions, the yield of avocado peel flavonoids is 1.12%. The AB-8 type macroporous resin has better effect on adsorption and elution of flavonoids from avocado peel. The purification conditions are as follows: the co column volume is 250 mL, the sample quantity is 2.03 g, the column is washed with water and eluted with about 500 mL of 75% ethanol. Under these conditions the AB-8 type resin can be used six times repeatedly. Relative purity of the purified is 82.37% and the corresponding recovery is 71.65%.


