
    Extraction of pectin from shaddock peel by microwave heating

    • 摘要: 对新鲜柚果皮中果胶进行微波提取,采用咔唑比色法测定提取液中的果胶含量。探讨了料液比、微波功率、微波处理时间、盐析条件等对果胶得率和半乳糖醛酸含量的影响,运用L9(34)正交试验对微波加热提取果胶的工艺条件进行了优化。结果表明:微波功率对果胶得率有极显著影响,微波处理时间影响较小。较佳工艺是:液料比(V/m)8︰1,调pH值为2.0,微波功率640 W,处理时间8 min,盐析饱和硫酸铝用量与酸萃取液比例为3︰5,此条件下提取柚皮果胶得率为4.457%,果胶的半乳糖醛酸含量为42.58%。


      Abstract: Pectin was extracted from the fresh shaddock peel by the method of microwave heating, and the content of pectin in the extracting solution of fresh shaddock peel was determined by the method of carbazole spectrophotometric. The effects of such factors as the ratio of material to solvent, microwave output power, microwave heating time and the condition of salting-out on the extraction yield and its galacturonic acid. The orthogonal test design L9(34) was used to optimize the conditions of extraction. The results show that the microwave output power has significant effect on the extraction yield of pectin. Microwave heating time has little effect on the extraction yield of pectin. The optimum conditions are as follows: the ratio of water to material 8︰1 at pH 2.0, microwave output power 640 W, treatment time 8 min, ratio of saturated aluminum sulfate to acid hydrolysis extraction solution 3︰5. Under the optimized extraction conditions, the pectin yield and its galacturonic acid are 4.457% and 42.58%, respectively.


