赵玉领, 苏 强, 吴克宁, 吕巧灵, 王俊玲, 张蕾娜. 河南嵩县土地整理的数量质量潜力[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(9): 73-78.
    引用本文: 赵玉领, 苏 强, 吴克宁, 吕巧灵, 王俊玲, 张蕾娜. 河南嵩县土地整理的数量质量潜力[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(9): 73-78.
    Zhao Yuling, Su Qiang, Wu Kening, Lü Qiaoling, Wang Junling, Zhang Leina. Quantitative and qualitative potential of land consolidation in Song County, Henan Province[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(9): 73-78.
    Citation: Zhao Yuling, Su Qiang, Wu Kening, Lü Qiaoling, Wang Junling, Zhang Leina. Quantitative and qualitative potential of land consolidation in Song County, Henan Province[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(9): 73-78.


    Quantitative and qualitative potential of land consolidation in Song County, Henan Province

    • 摘要: 该文在综合分析前人土地整理潜力理论研究基础上,结合农用地分等成果,在原有耕地整理数量潜力基础上,引入了耕地整理质量潜力,并系统制定了耕地整理数量潜力和质量潜力评价理论及方法;同时,也进行了耕地整理质量潜力测算方法的探讨和实证研究,计算出嵩县耕地整理质量提高潜力,分别计算了耕地整理的自然质量提高潜力和耕地整理的利用提高潜力,划分了不同的质量提高潜力区,通过计算,全县可以新增粮食总产量为7.15万t,平均每公顷提高潜力为1561.8 kg。最终把耕地整理数量潜力成果与质量潜力成果相结合,划分出县域耕地整理的综合潜力级别区域。


      Abstract: On the basis of theries of land consolidation potential, qualitative potential of land consolidation was developed by using the combinated results of agricultural land classification and quantitative potential of land classification, and the theory and methodology related to assessment of qualitative potential of land consolidation were established. Finally, the method was implemented in Song County to estimate the increasing potential of land quality. The increasing potential was calculated for the natural quality and utilization of farmland, respectively. The various zones were identified for possibility of potential increase. The results show that, increasing yield of 71500 t, increasing potential of 1561.8 kg/hm2 could be achieved based on calculation in Song County. In the end, a integrated potential rank zones of farmland consolidation was identified in Song County based on the combination and quantitative and qualitative potentail of land consolidation..


