姜海燕, 朱 艳, 汤 亮, 曹卫星. 基于多库融合的作物模型资源仓库[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(9): 141-147.
    引用本文: 姜海燕, 朱 艳, 汤 亮, 曹卫星. 基于多库融合的作物模型资源仓库[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(9): 141-147.
    Jiang Haiyan, Zhu Yan, Tang Liang, Cao Weixing. Crop model resources warehouse based on multi-libraries fusion[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(9): 141-147.
    Citation: Jiang Haiyan, Zhu Yan, Tang Liang, Cao Weixing. Crop model resources warehouse based on multi-libraries fusion[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(9): 141-147.


    Crop model resources warehouse based on multi-libraries fusion

    • 摘要: 构建作物模型资源仓库(CMRW)有助于模型资源的组织、集成、积累和管理。该文提出CMRW可由作物模型实验数据库、框架库、算法库和方案库组成,具有模型结构与建模流程并重以及多库融合的特点,可通过模型资源生命周期的变化提升其价值。研究以关系型数据库技术为基础,采用虚节点方法扩展作物模型结构,利用“知识页+算法知识组+算法单元”方式组织建模知识,结合刻面分类方法描述模型组件属性,并综合基础数据库和方案数据库信息,将作物模型框架库、算法库、实验数据库和方案库共同转化为CMRW的关系数据模型。并在Microsoft SQL Server数据库平台上,建立了小麦生长模型资源仓库,实现了作物模型构件库、建模知识库和实验数据库的多库融合,为作物模型集成与重用积累资源。


      Abstract: Construction of crop model resources warehouse(CMRW) can help resesrchers to organize, integrate, accumulate, and manage crop model resources. CMRW consists of experiment database, framework library, algorithm library and solution database. It has model framework and modeling flow with the characteristics of multi-libraries fusion, and model resources can raise values through life-cycle changes. Based on the technology of relation database in the paper, the crop models were mapped to E-R model, in which, crop model structure was constructed by using virtual node method, and modeling knowledge was organized by the integration of knowledge page, knowledge group and algorithm unit, and properties of model components were described by using faceted classification scheme, and by integrating basal database and solution database for crop models, the relation database models of CMRW including crop model framework library, algorithm library, experiment database and solution database, were constructed. By using the database platform of Microsoft SQL Server, the CMRW for wheat was constructed, which realized the multi-libraries fusion of crop model component library, modeling knowledge library and experiment database. The results show that the CMRW can accumulate assets for integration and reuse of crop models


