李永祥, 詹少华, 蔡永萍, 林 毅, 樊洪泓. 板栗壳色素的提取、纯化及稳定性(简报)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(9): 298-302.
    引用本文: 李永祥, 詹少华, 蔡永萍, 林 毅, 樊洪泓. 板栗壳色素的提取、纯化及稳定性(简报)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(9): 298-302.
    Li Yongxiang, Zhan Shaohua, Cai Yongping, Lin Yi, Fan Honghong. Extraction, purification and stability of the pigment of chestnut shells[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(9): 298-302.
    Citation: Li Yongxiang, Zhan Shaohua, Cai Yongping, Lin Yi, Fan Honghong. Extraction, purification and stability of the pigment of chestnut shells[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(9): 298-302.


    Extraction, purification and stability of the pigment of chestnut shells

    • 摘要: 该文以板栗壳为材料,研究板栗壳色素的提取、纯化工艺及纯化色素的稳定性,为板栗壳色素的推广应用提供理论基础和实验数据。结果表明,板栗壳色素易溶于碱性水溶液,不溶或难溶于非极性溶剂。用1%的NaOH提取色素,石油醚和乙酸乙酯分别萃取3次后获得粗提色素,粗提色素经醇沉、酸沉及重结晶法三种方法纯化后通过薄层层析证明色素纯度较高。紫外-可见光谱分析表明,纯化色素的0.01%水溶液在223 nm和264 nm处有明显吸收峰,0.01%甲醇溶液在218 m和264 nm处有明显吸收峰,推测板栗壳色素含有苯环及酚羟基。纯化色素的稳定性试验表明,色素264 nm处吸光度对pH值较敏感,510 nm处吸光度在pH为2.0至6.0时,呈逐渐增加的趋势,在pH为8.0至14.0时变化不大,pH=10.0条件下测定510 nm处吸光度可以作为色素定量的方法;不同金属离子对色素有不同影响;色素对光、热、氧化剂及还原剂的耐受力较强。


      Abstract: Extraction, purification process and stability of the pigment of chestnut shells were explored. The results showed that this pigment dissolved easily in alkaline solution, but undissolved in noapolar solvent. This pigment was extracted with 1%NaOH, then was extracted for 3 times with petroleum ether and ethyl acetate. TLC indicated that high purity of pigment could be obtained with ethanol-precipitation, acid-precipitation and recrystallization method. The UV spectrum of the pigment showed that there were two apparent absorption peaks at 223nm and 264 nm in distilled water, and at 218 nm and 264 nm in methanol, which suggested that benzene rings and phenol hydroxyl existed in the chemical structure of the pigment. The absorption at 264 nm of the pigment was sensitive to pH value. The absorption at 510 nm of the pigment increased gradually with pH value from 2.0 to 6.0, but changed little with pH value from 8.0 to 14.0. Quantitative determination of the pigment could be conducted by the optical density at 510 nm when pH was 10.0; the pigment could be precipitated by many metal ions, but relatively stable for light, temperature, oxidants and reducing agents.


