陶 菲, 郜海燕, 陈杭君, 毛金林, 周拥军, 葛林梅. 不同包装对山核桃脂肪氧化的影响(简报)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(9): 303-305.
    引用本文: 陶 菲, 郜海燕, 陈杭君, 毛金林, 周拥军, 葛林梅. 不同包装对山核桃脂肪氧化的影响(简报)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2008, 24(9): 303-305.
    Tao Fei, Gao Haiyan, Chen Hangjun, Mao Jinlin, Zhou Yongjun, Ge Linmei. Effect of different types of packaging on lipid oxidation of walnut (Carya cathayensis Sarg.) during storage[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(9): 303-305.
    Citation: Tao Fei, Gao Haiyan, Chen Hangjun, Mao Jinlin, Zhou Yongjun, Ge Linmei. Effect of different types of packaging on lipid oxidation of walnut (Carya cathayensis Sarg.) during storage[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2008, 24(9): 303-305.


    Effect of different types of packaging on lipid oxidation of walnut (Carya cathayensis Sarg.) during storage

    • 摘要: 为了选择合适的包装措施以减缓山核桃仁中油脂在贮藏期间的氧化酸败,延长其贮藏期,研究了用聚乙烯塑料膜(Polyethylene,PE)和聚乙烯塑料铝箔膜(Polyethylene/Al,PE/Al)的普通包装与PE、PE/Al的真空包装,4种不同包装措施对山核桃贮藏过程中油脂氧化的影响。通过不同包装对山核桃油脂的酸价、碘价、过氧化值、p-茴香胺值和脂肪氧合酶活性在贮藏过程中的变化情况的影响,确定适合山核桃的包装形式。试验结果表明PE/Al真空包装能有效减缓山核桃油脂的氧化进程,从而延缓山核桃的品质的下降,延长其货架期。


      Abstract: Walnuts kernel contains up to 70% oil composed mainly of unsaturated fatty acids, which are susceptible to oxidation. In this experiment, to extend the shelf-life of walnut,walnut was stored in four types of packaging, such as polyethylene films with and without vacuum and polyethylene/Al films with and without vacuum. Experiments were carried out to evaluate the effects of different types of packaging on the acid values, iodine values, peroxide values, p-anisidine values and activities of lipoxygenase of walnut kernel. The results showed that polyethylene/Al vacuumed package was more acceptable with respect to the chemical properties measured as compared to the other packaging types.


