
    Effects of leaf area and rainfall intensity on stemflow amount through corn canopy

    • 摘要: 茎秆流是降雨或喷灌水经过玉米冠层后到达地面的重要途径之一。为了系统地测定不同生长时期的玉米在不同雨强下的茎秆流量并建立简洁、实用的模型,采用室内模拟降雨的方法,对单株叶面积范围从约150~7450 cm2/株的紧凑型玉米植株在实际范围为0.22~4.33 mm/min的雨强下的茎秆流量进行了测定。试验结果表明,不同大小植株在不同的雨强下,单株茎秆流量从1 mL/(min?株)增加到362 mL/(min?株),单株茎秆流量随玉米单株叶面积和降雨强度的增加均呈幂函数增加关系。不同生长时期的玉米群体产生的茎秆流量占总降雨量的比例从约5%增加到约70%,并且随冠层叶面积指数的增加呈幂函数增加关系。本研究提出的玉米茎秆流模型可为紧凑型玉米密植条件下的土壤侵蚀防治和水肥管理提供理论指导。


      Abstract: Stemflow is an important pathway for the movement of rainfall or sprinkler irrigation water through corn canopy to the ground. In order to systematically determine corn stemflow amount at different growth stages with different rainfall intensities, and establish simple, practical models to describe the relationships, this study used an indoor rainfall simulator and measured stemflow on corn plants with leaf area ranging from 150 to 7450 cm2/plant and rainfall intensity ranging from 0.22 to 4.33 mm/min. The results showed that the stemflow rate through corn plants ranged from 1 to 362 mL/(min?plant), and increased exponentially as corn leaf area and rainfall intensity increased. Furthermore, the ratio between stemflow amount and total rainfall varied from about 5 to 70%, depending at the growth stage, and increased exponentially as the leaf area index (LAI) of the corn canopy increased. In conclusion,, practical stemflow equations built in this study provide theoretical basis for soil erosion control and irrigation and fertilizer management for corn planted at high densities.


