
    Remote sensing monitoring of soil moisture in the Mu Us sandland

    • 摘要: 利用毛乌素沙地腹地——乌审旗1982-1993年间的AVHRR遥感数据、常规气象数据和土壤水分观测资料,建立基于条件温度植被指数的0~50 cm土壤水分遥感估算模型,并计算出0~50 cm土体各层土壤水分。结果表明:乌审旗多年平均土壤水分的变化量约为-3.47mm,逐年土壤水分变化量Δw在-118~82 mm之间。乌审旗土壤水分的年际变化不大,基本在±50 mm之间变动。除1986、1987、1991以及1993年外,其余年份乌审旗土壤水分变化量Δw都为正。乌审旗土壤水分的年内波动也不大,基本在±10 mm之间。通过误差分析可知,遥感反演土壤水分的平均绝对百分比误差为14.77%,均方差为77.54 mm。基于条件温度植被指数的土壤水分遥感估算模型是可行的。


      Abstract: Based on NOAA-AVHRR, meteorology and soil moisture data during 1982-1993 in Wushen County of the Mu Us sandland, the satellite-derived estimation model of soil moisture was established by using VTCI (vegetation temperature condition index), and the soil moisture of each layer between 0~50 cm were estimated. The results show that the multi-annual mean soil moisture variation Δw is –3.47 mm. The annual soil moisture variations (Δw) are between –118 mm and 82 mm from 1982 to 1993, and the inter-annual changes of soil moisture Δw are between ±50 mm, which was positive except for the year of 1986, 1987, 1991 and 1993. The inner-annual changes of soil moisture Δw are between ±10 mm. Compared with ground measurements, the RMSD and MAPD of soil moisture are 14.77% and 77.54 mm respectively. As a result, the satellite-derived estimation model of soil moisture is feasible.


