
    Evaluation index system of biodiesel plant resource based on sustainable development in Three Gorges areas of China

    • 摘要: 为了实现对三峡库区生物柴油植物资源持续高效开发利用,根据三峡库区的地域性,依据可持续发展理论,按照跨学科、多基准、系统化、科学性、可操作性、主导性、动态性、独立性和可比性的原则,运用Delphi调查法、AHP层次分析法及Yaahp 0.4.1软件,构建了三峡库区生物柴油植物资源可持续发展评价体系。该评价体系由4个子系统的准则层和24个评价指标的指标层构成。运用该体系对三峡库区25种油料植物进行可持续发展评价,得到了这些油料植物目前依次优先发展的排序是:油桐、乌桕、油茶、麻疯树、黄连木等。该评价体系具有较强的科学性、客观性和合理性,可操作性强,可作为三峡库区生物柴油植物资源开发利用决策前的评价工具。


      Abstract: In order to realize the sustainable development of biodiesel plant resources in Three Gorges areas of China, the authors constructed a fitting evaluatating system depending on the sustainable development theory and the regionally practical condition there. The across-knowledge, multi-benchmark, systematic, scientific, operational, dominant, dynamic, independent and comparative principles were followed in this system. The research tools adopted were the Delphi investigation,the AHP hierarchy analyzing theory and software of Yaahp 0.4.1. This system (A) was constructed by four subsystems that are energy sources subsystem (B1), economic function subsystem (B2), social function subsystem (B3) and ecological-environmental function subsystem (B4). There are twenty four indexes belonging to these different subsystems respectively. Their developed priority is as follows: Vernicia fordii, Sapium sebiferum, Camellia oleifera and Jatropha curcas as well as Pistacia chinensis etc, after the system being used for the sustainable development evaluation of twenty-five species oil plants in Three Gorges. The result clearly indicates that this system can be a evaluation tool for biodiesel plant resource before the decision-making for sustainable utilization because the system has the scientific, objective, feasible, operational characteristics.


