
    Application of electrodialysis technology on desalination of soybean oligosaccharides solution

    • 摘要: 从甜浆中提取的大豆低聚糖粗提液中含有很多的盐类,影响糖液的纯度。该试验通过离子交换膜辅助的电渗析法对大豆低聚糖模拟溶液进行脱盐处理,确定了较好的试验操作参数。试验结果表明:电渗析法对大豆低聚糖模拟液进行脱盐是可行的,且脱盐效果较好,脱盐率达到96.07%;该试验条件下较佳的工作电压为20 V,流量为60 L/h,样品稀释倍数为15倍。通过以上条件处理后,大豆低聚糖的保留率达到83.82%。


      Abstract: Sweet slurry is the final byproduct in soybean sheet production. It is named sweet slurry because of its sweetness rendered by its high concentration of soybean oligosaccharides. Soybean oligosaccharides solution extracted from the sweet slurry contains high amount of salts, which is an major obstacle to the purity of the extract. Ion-exchange membrane (IEM) mediated electrodialysis (ED) desalination of the simulated soybean oligosaccharides solution was employed in this research for the desalination of a simulated soybean oligosaccharides solution and optimized process parameters were determined. The results showed that electrodialysis was feasible for desalination of the simulated suagr-salt solution with a salt removal efficiency of more than 96.07%. The optimal operating parameters under experimental working condition were 20 V applied voltage, 60 L/h flow rate and a dilution of 15 times. After the treatment the oligosaccharides retention was about 83.82%.


