
    Status analysis and countermeasures of large and medium scale biogas plants in Beijing rural areas

    • 摘要: 能源危机和可再生能源开发给中国农村大中型沼气工程的发展带来了宝贵机遇。大中型沼气工程作为农村生物质能源的一种,对解决农村用能和养殖业污染问题有重要意义。该文在对京郊农村大中型沼气工程发展现状进行实地调查的基础上,分析了北京市大中型沼气工程的分布、规模、发展特点、成功经验及存在问题。同时结合环境经济学中的外部性效益分析方法,提出了进一步促进北京大中型沼气工程发展的对策和建议,旨在为京郊养殖废弃物资源化利用提供理论参考。


      Abstract: The energy crisis and renewable energy development have brought great opportunity to the development of large and medium-sized biogas projects in Chinese rural areas. As one using manner of biomass energy, the construction of large and medium scale biogas plants in rural area is of great significance for solving rural energy and environmental problems. On the basis of field investigation, the distribution, scale and characteristics of large and medium-sized plants recent years in Beijing suburban area and its successful running experiences and problems were analyzed. At the same time, combining with the analytical Method of Exterior Benefit of Environmental Economics, some development strategies and suggestions were proposed, which could be regarded as a reference for treatment and utilization of livestock and poultry wastes in Beijing rural areas.


