
    Water spatial and temporal distribution by physical and chemical regulation method

    • 摘要: 利用室内人工降雨试验,采用3因素3水平正交试验设计方案,研究物理化学调控方法实施情况下坡面土体中水分的时空分布状况。结果表明,物理调控方法可以调节降雨在坡面上的空间分布状况,在同一坡度条件下,面积比为1︰2和1︰1的处理的湿润锋尾部变化梯度及湿润锋深度均大于面积比为0︰3的处理,且湿润锋分布的均匀程度较高。文中使用的入渗率计算公式可真实反映沿坡面各点的入渗率变化过程,入渗量计算公式可计算出降雨入渗量,且精度较高。化学调控方法由于能够维持土壤的物理结构,可以提高土壤的早期降雨入渗率,并增加入渗区上部的降雨入渗量,进而缩小坡面各点的水分分布差异。物理化学调控方法在坡面上配合使用可以提高降雨利用率,但其实际应用效果仍需进一步研究。


      Abstract: Using inside artificial rain instrument, orthogonal experiment plan of three factors and three levels was adapted to research water spatial and temporal distribution of each point along slope under physical and chemical method applied. The results showed that physical and chemical method could regulate spatial distribution of rain. Under the same slope gradient, compared with the treatment which area ratio was 0︰3, wet front tail variation gradient of those treatments which area ratio were 1︰2 and 1︰1 separately were greater, wet fronts extended more deeply, and uniformity coefficient were higher. Because soil structure could be kept well by soil conditioner, earlier rainfall infiltration rate and infiltration on the upper part of infiltration zone increased, and water distribution difference of each point along the slope decreased. Combination of physical and chemical method could increase rainfall use efficiency, but its real application effect should be researched deeply.


