
    Process of nutrient loss of red-soil slope land under comprehensive soil and water conservation measures

    • 摘要: 为了研究红壤坡地养分流失规律,通过江西省水土保持生态科技园2006~2007年野外试验,分析了3种生态措施、3种典型降雨红壤坡地N、P流失过程。结果表明:不同降雨类型下采取生态措施能对整个径流过程中的总氮和总磷浓度起到明显的控制作用,且各处理径流中氮和磷的流失主要集中在径流初期,后期均匀稳定。养分流失均以侵蚀泥沙携带养分流失为主,但随着降雨的减小,泥沙携带养分流失量占养分总流失量的比例会降低。各处理侵蚀泥沙均有养分富集现象,而且随着降雨的减小而增大。


      Abstract: In order to study the law of soil nutrients loss in red-soil slop land, the field experiments under three ecological measures and three typical rainfalls were performed to investigate the N and P transfer process in Soil Conservation Ecological Science & Technology Demonstration Park in Jiangxi Province from 2006 to 2007. The results show that comprehensive measures of soil and water conservation can obviously control the concentration of total nitrogen and total phosphorus during the whole runoff process under different types of natural rainfall, and the losses of nitrogen and phosphorus during such process are mainly in the initial stage, and homogeneously stable in the later stage. The nutrition loss is mainly in the type of carrying nutrition in eroded sediment. In such a kind of nutrition loss process, the loss rate of nutrition in runoff to amount of total loss will decrease as the rain lowers. There are nutrition enrichments in eroded sediment of each treatment, and the value will increase when the rain becomes lower.


