
    Sino-US irrigation water use efficiencies of main crops

    • 摘要: 灌溉水分生产率反映了作物的灌溉用水效率,是衡量灌区的农业生产水平、灌溉工程状况、灌溉管理水平的关键指标。该文在大量的调查数据基础上,采用分类计算、加权平均方法分析了中国和美国主要农作物的灌溉水分生产率。结果表明:美国籽用粮食作物、块茎类作物、草类作物、絮状作物的平均灌溉水分生产率分别为1.98、8.90、2.54、0.26 kg/m3。上述4类作物喷灌灌溉水分生产率分别为2.26、9.44、3.2和0.36 kg/m3,而地面灌溉条件下的灌溉水分生产率则分别为1.55、6.96、2.15、0.23 kg/m3;美国13个州玉米、小麦和水稻平均的灌溉水分生产率分别为 2.94、1.24和1.39 kg/m3,而中国10省市226个大中型灌区3种作物平均灌溉水分生产率分别为2.04、1.19和0.80 kg/m3;灌溉技术落后、节水灌溉面积小造成的灌区灌溉水利用系数低,是导致中国灌溉水分生产率低的主要原因。


      Abstract: Irrigation water use efficiency (WUEi) reflects the efficiency of irrigation of crops. It’s a key criterion for evaluation of agricultural production level, irrigation project condition and irrigation management level. Based on the full irrigation survey data, the WUEi of main crops of United States and China was analyzed through classify calculation and weighting methods. The average WUEi of grain, tuber crops, forage, cotton is about1.98, 8.90, 2.54 and 0.26 kg/m3, respectively. The WUEi of above four kinds of crops under sprinkler irrigation is 2.26, 9.44, 3.20 and 0.36 kg/m3, respectively. But the ones under surface irrigation is 1.55, 6.96, 2.15, 0.23 kg/m3, respectively. The average WUEi of corn, wheat, rice in 13 states of United States are 2.94,1.24 and 1.39 kg/m3, while the ones in 226 lagre and moderate irrigation districts in 10 provinces of China are 2.04, 1.19 and 0.80 kg/m3. The main reason of the low WUEi in China is the backward irrigation technique and lower water use efficiency of the irrigation districts which caused by less water saving irrigation area.


