
    Feature extraction for poultry vocalization recognition based on improved MFCC

    • 摘要: 动物的发声包含丰富的信息,能够在一定程度上反馈其自身机体状况及对环境的应激情况,因此发声已成为评价动物福利的一个重要参考指标。为了实现对动物发声信息的自动采集与分析,该研究针对蛋鸡,探索采用不同特征提取算法用于识别蛋鸡叫声。在分析线性预测倒谱参数(LPCC)与梅尔频标倒谱系数法(MFCC)的基础上,结合识别的目标,提出了改进的平均梅尔频标倒谱系数法(AMFCC),并针对三种不同的特征提取算法采用支持向量机分类模型进行了正确识别效率验证,结果表明改进的AMFCC方法比前两种算法正识效率有显著提高


      Abstract: Animal’s sound has rich information. Animal’s health status and adaption for environment can be fed back from vocalism. Vocalization has been the important way for measuring animal welfares. For the auto recording and analysis of animal sound, some ways were studied for sound feature extraction. On the basis of Liner Prediction Coefficient (LPC) and Mel-Frequency-Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC), a new algorithm for feature extraction-Average MFCC was introduced. For evaluating the improvement of poultry sound recognition, SVM classification model was used to perform the experiments, the results showed that performance was obviously improved.


