
    Precision rice hill-drop drilling machine

    • 摘要: 根据水稻种植农艺要求,研制了一种开沟起垄式水稻精量穴直播机,可同步进行开沟、起垄和播种。采用穴播方式将破胸露白的稻种播在垄上的播种沟中。采用瓢形型孔轮和两个充种室设计方案,可实现播量可调和精量穴直播。采用弹性随动护种带代替传统的固定式护种板,减少了稻种的破损率和对排种轮的磨损。采用乘坐式高速插秧机底盘,四轮驱动,在水田中的通过性能好。由于行距可选、穴距可调、播量可控,可适应不同茬口、不同品种和不同地区的水稻种植要求。在全国10省(区)的生产试验结果表明,采用精量穴直播方式,可比人工撒播增产10%以上,比人工抛秧增产8%以上,比人工插秧增产5%以上。


      Abstract: A precision rice hill-drop drilling machine was developed and it can open the furrow, form the ridge and sow the rice seeds simultaneously according to the requirement of rice planting. The rice seeds were hill-dropped into the small furrow on the ridge. A special designed cell wheel feed was used to control the amount of sowing seeds. A special rubber guard device was developed to replace the traditional guard ring and it can rotate with the cell wheel simultaneously and reduce the rate of damaged seeds significantly. Riding rice transplanter with four-wheel driven was used as the chassis of the machine. Thus, slipping can be reduced and the machine works well in the deep paddy field. The precision rice hill-drop drilling machines have sowed more than 200 hm2 land in 10 provinces in China. The rice yield increased more than 10%, 8% and 5% respectively compared to the manual broadcasting, manual seeding broadcasting and manual transplanting.


