
    Model of farmland price evaluation and its application for regional expropriation based on value of property rights

    • 摘要: 该文基于农地的产权价值理论,将农地的生产收益权价值、生存保障权价值、发展权价值、粮食安全权价值和生态安全权价值纳入到被征收农地的价格构成之中,并构建了一个区域征收农地的价格评估体系。然后,以南京市为例进行了初步的实证测算。结果表明,在全面考虑农地的产权价值后所评估得出的区域征地价格水平要远高于目前的征地补偿标准,并与同期当地的工业用地价格水平接近。这一研究成果较好地实现了区域征地补偿标准反映土地市场价格的基本要求,也为今后区域农地价格评估体系的完善提供了有益参考。


      Abstract: Based on the theory of values of farmland property rights, the farmland price evaluation model was developed. Expropriated farmland price consisted of values of production profitability right, livelihood guarantee right, development right, food security right and ecological security right. And farmland price evaluation system of regional expropriation was established. Using the above model, as a case study, the price of expropriated farmland in Nanjing City was evaluated. The results show that the appraisal price of expropriated farmland in Nanjing City is much higher than present compensation standard of expropriated farmland, and closes to the price of industrial use land in the corresponding period. In conclusion, the study can be a reference to compensation standard according to land market price, and it also can improve the evaluation system for regional farmland price in the near future.


