
    Effects of technology conditions on texture properties and microstructure of pork skin extracts

    • 摘要: 为了给猪皮提取物在肉制品加工中的应用创造条件,采用单因素试验,分别测定不同提取条件(煮沸时间、料液比、pH值、盐浓度)下凝胶质构和微观结构的变化,在此基础上,采用正交试验优化提取条件。单因素试验表明煮沸时间、料液比、提取液pH值对猪皮提取物的质构特性都有显著影响,煮沸时间为60 min、料液比为1:5、提取液pH值为5时形成的凝胶最好,盐浓度对质构特性无显著影响。正交试验表明,料液比1:5,盐浓度为3%,煮沸时间60 min,pH=6的提取条件下获得的提取物凝胶的质构特性及微观结构最好。


      Abstract: In order to create conditions for application of pork skin extracts in meat processing, the effects of different extraction conditions such as cooking time, ratio of skin to water, pH value, and salt concentration on texture properties and microstructure of pork skin extracts were conducted by single factor experiments. Then the orthogonal design was used to optimize the extraction conditions. The results of single factor experiments show that cooking time, ratio of skin to water and pH value have significant effects on textural properties and microstructures of pork skin extracts, but salt concentration has no significant effects on those. The property of the gel extracted under the conditions of cooking time 60 minutes, ratio of skin to water 1︰5, and pH5 is the best. The results of orthogonal experiments show the optimal extraction conditions are as follows: ratio of skin to water 1︰5, salt concentration 3%, cooking time 60 minutes and pH6.


