
    Experimental investigation on instrument for auto-sampling water from runoff and sediment in a small catchment

    • 摘要: 仪器仪表作为对信息进行采集、测量、处理和控制的重要手段和设备,已成为推动科学技术和国民经济高速发展的关键技术之一。在小流域出口处设置量水堰是研究流域水文过程及土壤侵蚀监测的一个重要方法,为实现小流域径流含沙量的动态监测,自行研制了一种小流域径流泥沙自动采集器,以一种简单的采样技术代替传统方法来提高含沙量测定的自动化水平及测量精度。通过模拟试验验证了采集器的适用性,结果证明采集器具有很好的可靠性和观测精度,与标准值的平均相对误差仅为0.42%。另外,该装置与传统水样收集方法相比自动化程度高,管理方便,适于野外无人看守情况下径流样品的自动采集。因此,所研制的小流域径流泥沙自动采集器有一定的应用前景。


      Abstract: Instrument has become one of the key technologies for promoting the development of science and economy on the ground that instrument plays a very important role in collecting, monitoring, managing and controlling information. A weir is often used for measuring the runoff yield of a basin in hydrology process and soil erosion. In this study, in order to auto-monitor the sediment concentration in runoff flow, a self-designed instrument was introduced which was used for auto-sampling water from the storm runoff in a small catchment. The reliability and applicability of the instrument was validated by the simulation experiment, and the average relative error was only 0.42%. In addition, compared with traditional water sampling instruments, the self-designed instrument has a higher level of automation, is more convenient and suitable for auto-sampling water from runoff in fieldwork with unattended operation. Therefore, the self-designed instrument for auto-sampling water from storm runoff has a good application prospect.


