
    Optimized technology for aerobic fermentation of dairy manure to produce bioorganic fertilizer by inoculating compound microbes

    • 摘要: 以新鲜牛粪和稻壳粉为发酵原料,进行牛粪好氧发酵试验,探讨生物有机肥生产的最佳工艺条件。首先选择复合微生物菌剂接种量、原料含水率、C/N比、翻堆次数4个因素进行单因素试验研究,初步确定四个因素的最适范围,然后对四个因素进行正交优化试验,确定最佳发酵工艺参数。在一次发酵结束后,加入固氮细菌、解磷细菌和解钾细菌等有益微生物,通过测定二次发酵过程中有益微生物的变化情况,确定二次发酵终止时间。试验结果表明,一次发酵的最优工艺参数为原料含水率65%,C/N 30︰1,菌剂接种量3.5‰,翻堆次数4 d一次。在一次发酵15 d后加入固氮细菌、解磷细菌和解钾细菌等有益微生物,发酵6 d,三种菌的活菌数达到稳定,可终止发酵。在此工艺条件下,物料升温快,最高温度高,高温持续时间长,腐熟度高,发酵周期缩短,生物有机肥中活菌数达到5.2×109 cfu/g,发芽指数为96.8%。


      Abstract: An aerobic fermentation test was conducted using dairy manure and cereal husk to study the optimal fermenting technical conditions. Firstly, single factor experiment was conducted on inoculation quantity of complex microbial community, moisture content, ratio of carbon to nitrogen(C/N) and dig frequency. And then, the optimal fermenting conditions were obtained through orthogonal experiments. Secondly, the complex microbial community which contained nitrogen fixation microorganism, phosphate solubilizing microorganism and potassium dissolving microorganism, were appended in the second fermentation with inoculation quantity of 1% after 15-day main fermentation. The termination time of the second fermentation was determined by measuring the quantity variations of beneficial microorganisms. The results indicated that the optimal conditions of the main fermentation could be as follows: moisture content of 65%, ratio of carbon to nitrogen of 30:1, inoculation quantity of 3.5‰ and dig frequency of one time every four days. The main and second fermentation took 15 days and 6 days respectively. Results under the optimal fermenting conditions are as follows: materials can warm up fast and maintain a long period at a high temperature; the bioorganic fertilizer has a high degree of maturity and a short fermentation cycle; the number of effective bacteria and germination index amounts to 5.2×109 cfu/g and 96.8%, respectively.


