
    Research development of grain damage during threshing

    • 摘要: 谷物成熟后的采收、分级包装、装卸运输、加工、贮藏和销售整个过程的各个环节都容易产生机械损伤,谷物机械化收获中的脱粒损伤是机械损伤最为重要的源头之一。文中综述了国内外谷物脱粒损伤的研究成果,论述了损伤的检测方法,包括直接观察法、比色法、激光反射、图像处理、模式识别、计算机视觉、核磁共振法等,也探讨了谷物损伤的量化表达方法,最后对目前中国谷物机械损伤研究中存在的问题进行了分析。


      Abstract: Mechanical damage are easy to generate during the whole process of harvesting, classification, packaging, transportation, processing, preservation and selling, etc. Damage in threshing while harvesting is one of the most important source. Researches of grain damage during threshing at home and abroad were introduced. Methods about how to detect damage are considered, which include direct observation, colorimetric determination, laser optical reflection, image processing, pattern recognition, machine vision and MRI, and damage quantization are also explored. Finally, analysis are made on grain damage during threshing in China.


