陈义强, 刘国顺, 习红昂, 张彩霞. 烟草栽培中土壤适宜含水率及施肥模型[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(2): 42-49.
    引用本文: 陈义强, 刘国顺, 习红昂, 张彩霞. 烟草栽培中土壤适宜含水率及施肥模型[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(2): 42-49.
    Chen Yiqiang, Liu Guoshun, Xi Hong’ang, Zhang Caixia. Favorable soil moisture and fertilization model for tobacco cultivation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2009, 25(2): 42-49.
    Citation: Chen Yiqiang, Liu Guoshun, Xi Hong’ang, Zhang Caixia. Favorable soil moisture and fertilization model for tobacco cultivation[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2009, 25(2): 42-49.


    Favorable soil moisture and fertilization model for tobacco cultivation

    • 摘要: 该研究以提供优质烟叶生产的量化施肥模型,防止化肥的过量使用从而造成的环境污染及烟叶品质下降为目的,通过盆栽试验建立了氮磷钾肥及水分这4因子与产值的关系模型,对各因子之间的交互作用进行了分析,对模型进行了优化,并对供试土壤基础肥力的贡献率进行了计算,以此为基础建立了氮磷钾的施肥模型,并对所建模型进行了大田试验的验证。结果表明,盆栽试验适宜的施氮量为每株4.85~5.45 g纯氮,施磷量为P2O5每株7.68~8.64 g,施钾量为K2O每株16.17~17.95 g,土壤相对含水率为75.8%~80.5%。施肥模型推荐的氮磷钾肥施用量分别为39.30~44.16 kg/hm2,64.30~72.34 kg/hm2,232.77~258.41 kg/hm2,与大田试验的最佳施肥量纯氮(42.86±7.49)kg/hm2,P2O5为(65.09± 12.58)kg/hm2,K2O为(242.68±8.69)kg/hm2的结果大致相同。


      Abstract: This study was conducted to provide a quantitative fertilization model for producing high quality tobacco leaves and reducing environmental pollution and the quality decline of tobacco leaves resulted from over-fertilization. A mathematic model for the relations of tobacco output value with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and water factors was established by the potted experiment. The interaction among factors was analyzed, the model was optimized, and the contribution ratios of soil nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium were calculated. Furthermore, a fertilization model was developed and tested in a field experiment. Results show that the optimum fertilization amounts of pure nitrogen, P2O5, K2O are 4.85-5.45 g, 7.68-8.64 g, 16.17-17.95 g, respectively. The favorable soil moisture is 75.8%-80.5% in potted experiment. The recommendation amounts of pure nitrogen, P2O5, K2O based on fertilization model are 39.30- 44.16 kg/hm2, 64.30-72.34 kg/hm2, 232.77-258.41 kg/hm2, which coincide with the results of field experiment. The optimum fertilization amounts of pure nitrogen, P2O5, K2O are (42.86±7.49) kg/hm2, (65.09±12.58) kg/hm2, (242.68± 8.69) kg/hm2.


