李志合, 易维明, 刘焕卫, 杨延强. 垂直下降管内陶瓷球流动与传热的试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(2): 72-76.
    引用本文: 李志合, 易维明, 刘焕卫, 杨延强. 垂直下降管内陶瓷球流动与传热的试验[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(2): 72-76.
    Li Zhihe, Yi Weiming, Liu Huanwei, Yang Yanqiang. Experimental study on the flow behavior and heat transfer of ceramic balls in a vertical descendant tube[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2009, 25(2): 72-76.
    Citation: Li Zhihe, Yi Weiming, Liu Huanwei, Yang Yanqiang. Experimental study on the flow behavior and heat transfer of ceramic balls in a vertical descendant tube[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2009, 25(2): 72-76.


    Experimental study on the flow behavior and heat transfer of ceramic balls in a vertical descendant tube

    • 摘要: 为研究下降管式生物质热裂解反应器内陶瓷球的流动与换热规律,在一内径60 mm,长1.6 m的垂直管上利用粒子图像测速仪进行了陶瓷球流场测试和1.0、1.2、1.4 kg/min质量流量下90℃陶瓷球与室温空气的对流换热试验,分析出了陶瓷球在下降管内的滞留时间和陶瓷球与空气对流换热系数的计算方法。流场试验表明:轴向速度随下降距离增大而增大;任意下降距离处,在靠近管壁半径的15%距离内,陶瓷球的轴向速度逐渐增大,直至达到最大值后不再变化;边壁附近的径向速度变化较大,中心速度基本为零。换热试验表明:不同陶瓷球流量下的对流换热系数基本相同,利用Ranz-Marshall公式计算出的换热系数比理论分析计算的小;根据理论计算的换热系数和试验数据,回归出的努谢尔数与雷诺数的关系式为: ;在60~550℃范围内,利用回归式计算的换热系数与空气温度成线性关系,并随温度升高而增大。


      Abstract: The velocity field distribution of ceramic balls flow was measured with Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and the convective heat exchange experiments between ceramic balls of 90℃ and the air of room temperature were conducted in a verticle descendant tube (Diameter 60 mm, lengh 1.6 m) for discovering the ceramic balls flow behavior and heat transfer principles of the biomass pyrolysis descendant tube reactor. The residence time of the ceramic balls in the vertical descendant tube and the heat exchange coefficient were analyzed. The results of the PIV experiments show that the axial velocity of ceramic balls increases along the tube and at any position of the tube, the axial velocity near the wall of 15% radius goes up gradually until reaching the maximum velocity. The radial velocity was zero m/s except near the wall of the tube. The heat transfer experiments indicated that the heat exchange coefficients were identical at each ceramic balls mass flow. The convective heat exchange coefficients worked out with Ranz-Marshall function were less than those by theroetical methods. According to the data obtained with theroetical methods and expriments, the relationship bewteen the Nusselt number and Reyonlds number was regressed: . The coefficients obtained with the regression function increased with the increase of the air temperture and the relationship between the coefficients and air temperature was linear.


