
    Comparison and application of remote sensing and geostatistics methods to spatial distribution of surface soil organic carbon

    • 摘要: 土壤有机碳为土壤肥力的核心指标之一,精确、及时、低耗的土壤有机碳空间格局估测对促进精准农业的发展和科学施肥具有重要意义,分别利用地统计方法和遥感技术测定法分析了海伦市表层土壤有机碳的空间分布格局,发现: 1)表层土壤有机碳与遥感影像的TM1波段之间存在着极显著的相关性(p<0.01),而与TM2、TM3和NDSVI显著相关(p<0.05); 2)通过对两种方法所得结果比较得出在精度基本一致的前提下,遥感技术测定法所需样本量低于地统计法所需样本量,且前者所得结果与当地实际情况更为相符,是一种潜在、高效的表层土壤有机碳空间格局研究方法。


      Abstract: Soil organic carbon is a core index of soil fertility. It was important for precision agriculture and rational fertilization to understand soil organic carbon (SOC) concentration and its spatial distribution pattern. In this study, geostatistics and remote sensing methods were used to analyze the surface soil organic carbon (SSOC) of Hailun City of Heilongjiang Province respectively. The results show that SSOC is very significantly correlated with TM1(r=0.32, p<0.01) and significantly correlated with TM2, TM3 and NDSVI (p<0.05). At the same time, remote sensing method has significant advantages in sample numbers and conformed with reality compared with geostatistics, under the same accuracy. Therefore, remote sensing method was a potential and high performance way to study SSOC spatial distribution pattern.


