
    Effect of influencing factors on fluidization quality of fluidized bed

    • 摘要: 以石英砂为原料,在底部开孔进气和敞口进气两种类型的小型流化床上研究了在流化过程中生物质粒径、开孔率大小、进气方式3个主要参数对流态化质量的影响。由0.2~0.45 mm和0.45~0.6 mm两种粒径的红松木和白松木两种物料与石英砂(0.2~0.45 mm)在常温下混合的流态化曲线可以看出,各个混合情况均达到了良好的流态化质量;流化床开孔率在0.5%~3%之间变化时,开孔率越低,流态化质量越好。敞口式进气流态化质量比底部进气更好。


      Abstract: Sand was taken as the experimental material and fluidizing experiments were conducted with the spacious entered-pipe and bottom entered-pipe at room temperature. Effects of biomass particle size, opening hole rate and method of gas introduction on the quality of fluidization were studied. Sand(particle size of 0.2~0.45 mm) was mixed with biomass of different particle sizes(0.2~0.45 mm and 0.45~0.6 mm). Results showed that better fluidizing qualities were achieved at different kinds of conditions. The fluidization quality turned better with the decrease of opening hole rate when the opening hole rate ranged from 0.5% to 3%. The spacious entered-pipe achieved better fluidization quality than bottom entered-pipe.


