
    Spatial variability of soil properties and evaluation index for degradation in gold placer deposit mined land, Tibet plateau

    • 摘要: 为了揭示砂金矿露天开采土壤特性空间变异规律,并找出土壤退化程度的评判指标,该文在西藏高原日土县色贡砂金矿迹地进行0~40 cm表层土壤样品采集、分析测试和野外测量的基础上,采用SPSS软件和ARCVIEW等软件,通过聚类分析、主成分分析等方法对土壤特性空间变异和退化程度评判指标进行了研究。结果表明:1)样品经聚类分析可分为无扰动、轻度扰动、中度扰动、重度扰动4类,4类扰动程度区域在水平空间上呈以重度扰动区域为中心圈层的同心圆分布,边界清晰,从外部圈层到中心圈层,土壤性质不断恶化,退化程度加大;2)土壤石砾含量与土壤有机质等其他土壤理化性质之间有显著的相关性,且在野外简单易测,可作为土壤退化程度的评判指标:石砾含量0,45%为无退化,(45%,55%为轻度退化,(55%~60%为中度退化,(60%,100%为重度退化。研究结果为西藏高原砂金矿迹地土壤退化程度评判及其治理提供了科学依据。


      Abstract: To reveal the laws of spatial variability of soil properties and to find out the evaluation index for degradation degrees of soil in gold placer deposit mined land, the spatial variability of soil properties and the evaluation index for degradation degrees of soil in Segong gold placer deposit mined land in Ritu County, Tibet plateau were studied in the paper. The soil samples were collected from 0-40 cm surface layer, and after the field measurement and laboratory analysis, the methods of cluster analysis and principal component analysis were applied to study the soil variability and the evaluation index for soil degradation degrees, by using soft wares as SPSS and ARCVIEW. The results showed that: 1) the soil samples could be divided into four clusters, namely non-disturbance, slight disturbance, moderate disturbance and severe disturbance, corresponding to the four different soil degradation degrees, respectively. They were distributed as one concentric circle centered by the severe disturbance zone in the horizontal surface, whose boundaries could be identified clearly. And the closer to the inner circles, the more severely the soil deteriorated, and thus the greater the degradation degree was. 2) Soil gravel content, which was easily measured in field, was found to have significant correlation with other soil properties such as soil organic matter. Thus it was determined as the evaluation index for the soil degradation degrees. According to the gravel content, the classification criterion of various soil gradation degrees was identified as: the soil, whose gravel content 0, 45% belonged to non-degradation,(45%, 55% belonged to slight degradation,(55%~60% belonged to moderate degradation and (60%, 100% belonged to severe degradation. These results provide scientific basis for restoration and improvement of degraded soil in mined land.


