
    Analysis of the characteristics of producing dehydrated salted duck and optimization of its processing parameters

    • 摘要: 以提高板鸭干制质量为目的,采用自制小型气调干燥试验设备,对板鸭进行干制试验。采用二次正交旋转组合试验设计方法,研究了热风温度、气流速度、抗氧化剂特丁基对苯二酚(Tertiary Butylhydroquinone,TBHQ)浓度对板鸭脂肪氧化程度、失水速率的影响规律。结果表明:提高干制温度和气流速度可提高脱水率,但温度升高,脂肪氧化程度增加;而提高TBHQ浓度可降低板鸭的脂肪氧化程度,提高板鸭品质。用回归分析程序拟合产品的酸价、硫代巴比妥酸(Sulfo-Barbitone Acid,TBA)值和失水速率随热风温度、气流速度和TBHQ浓度变化的回归方程,得到优化工艺参数为:热风温度为49℃,气流速度为1.84 m/s,TBHQ浓度为0.018%,在此工艺下板鸭质量指标值分别为酸价1.129 mg/g,TBA值0.168 mg/kg,失水速率3.862%/h。


      Abstract: In order to improve the quality of dehydrated salted duck, a small controlled atmosphere dryer developed by the authors was used to conduct the experiment for processing salted duck. The effects of drying temperature, airflow velocity and concentration of Tertiary Butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) on fat oxidation and dehydration rate of dehydrated salted duck were investigated by means of quadratic orthogonal rotary combination design. The results showed that the dehydration rate of dehydrated salted duck was improved with increasing drying temperature and velocity of airflow, and fat oxidation was increased with increasing drying temperature, but the effect of TBHQ concentration on fatty oxidation was opposite. Regression equations, which correlated acid value, Sulfo-Barbitone Acid (TBA) value and dehydration rate with TBHQ concentration, drying temperature and airflow velocity, were established. The optimal parameters were: drying temperature of 49℃, airflow velocity of 1.84 m/s and TBHQ concentration of 0.018%. The quality indexes of dehydrated salted duck were acid value of 1.129 mg/g, TBA value of 0.168mg/kg, dehydration rate of 3.862%/h under the optimal conditions.


