
    Supporting capacity of main crop straw for Chinese residents’ food security

    • 摘要: 近年来全球粮食供需矛盾不断加剧,粮价持续上涨引起国外学者对中国人的食物结构变化中肉类食品迅速增长是否能够造成全球粮食紧张的顾虑。该文利用能量和能值理论分析中国种植业作物秸秆资源对畜牧业和居民食物安全的支撑能力,通过分析认为中国居民食品消费结构变化要求其农业生产也由过去的口粮生产为主要向以食物营养为基础的农业生物量综合生产模式转变。作物秸秆和籽粒一样都是重要的农产品,但目前中国多半秸秆资源未被充分利用,据计算中国主要农作物秸秆能量数量非常大,2006年中国未被充分利用的主要作物秸秆可以转化为肉类食品5952.76万t,相当于当年中国肉类食品生产量的73.93%,因此中国农业综合生产能力完全能够自我满足近期居民食品消费变化对农产品增长的需求,当前关键问题是如何集约利用农产品资源和提高农产品生物量的综合利用率。同时中国秸秆资源在空间分布上呈现不均衡性的特征,由于气候、土地和种植制度等原因各地作物秸秆资源在数量上呈现南北差异和东西差异,整体上看中国东北部地区秸秆资源相对比较丰富,西南部地区比较贫乏。


      Abstract: With the contradiction of global grain supply and demand sharpening continually in recent years, foreign scholars worry whether the sharp rise in the meat consumption in Chinese food structure is the main reason for global food tightness for the grain prices rising constantly. This paper analyzes the supporting capacity of crop straw for animal husbandry of China and food security of residents with the method of energy and energy value theory, and draws the conclusion that China’s agricultural production should transform from the past model of mainly producing food into the integrated production model of maximizing agricultural biomass based on food nutrition for food consumption changes of residents. Crop straw is also the important agricultural product as crop grain, but most of it has not been fully utilized. This paper finds that China’s main crop straw resource energy is huge by calculating, and according to the calculation, the wasted main crop straw resource energy in 2006 can be transformed into 5952.76 million tons meat product which is 73.93% of China’s output of meat products in 2006, therefore China’s comprehensive agricultural production capacity can completely meet the demand of Chinese food consumption transformation for agricultural product growth in recent years. The key question currently is how to intensively use agricultural resources and improve agricultural comprehensive utilization of biomass. The main crop straw resources in China have the characteristics of spatial distribution imbalance. The crop straw resources of different regions in China appear the north-south and east-west differences because of climate, soil and planting system. The main crop straw resources are relatively abundant in northeast while poor in southwest of China as a whole.


