
    Promotive effect of acid pretreatment of corn stalk using metal cations

    • 摘要: 0.01%稀硫酸辅助超声波洗涤玉米秸秆可除去大量K、Ca、Mg及P元素。洗涤后秸秆用0.1%硫酸预处理时,硫酸中添加金属氯盐预处理时半纤维素降解率达37%,预处理渣的酶解率最高达23%;经洗涤的秸秆在未添加金属氯盐时,其值分别为17%和 12%。添加金属氯盐使反应体系溶液pH值降低,但添加与金属氯盐溶液的pH值相同的纯硫酸预处理经洗涤的玉米秸秆时,半纤维素降解率为19%,低于添加金属氯盐预处理的半纤维素降解率37%。几种氯盐中,FeCl3促进酸预处理半纤维素降解率高于其他几种。可知,金属氯盐特别是氯化铁能促进稀硫酸预处理玉米秸秆半纤维素降解率,且pH值降低不是引起预处理效率提高的关键原因。


      Abstract: It could wash most of metal elements in corn stalk such as K, Ca, Mg and P by 0.01% dilute sulfuric acid. Equivalent metal chlorides were added to the washed corn stalk while pretreated with 0.1% dilute sulfuric acid, and hemicellulose degradation rate could reach 37%, enzymatic digestibility rate of the pretreated corn stalk could reach as much as 23%, while treated with 0.1% dilute sulfuric acid, the results were 17% and 12% respectively. Metal chloride produced a significant drop in pH value, but at the same pH value, when treated with pure sulfuric acid, hemicellulose degradation rate was 19% less than 37% when treated with 0.1% diluted sulfuric acid added with metal chloride. In addition, FeCl3 significantly increased the hemicellulose degradation rate. Metal chlorides, especially FeCl3 can promote hemicellulose decomposition, and the drop of pH value is not the vital cause.


