
    Effects of high-humidity refrigerator on quality of fresh Tai-tsai and celery

    • 摘要: 以冰箱的温湿度变化及其中贮藏的青菜和西芹为研究对象,分析测试高湿度冰箱和普通冷藏室内的温湿度变化规律和青菜及西芹的品质变化情况,为高湿度冰箱的湿度控制及对蔬菜的保鲜效果控制提供依据。结果表明,高湿度冰箱和普通冰箱的温度控制性能良好,均在4~6℃之间变化。高湿度冰箱的湿度控制性能良好,冷藏室内湿度在85%~96%之间波动,比普通冰箱冷藏室内湿度大大提高且波动范围小。高湿度冰箱对减少青菜和西芹的失水,保持蔬菜维生素C含量,保持硬度作用明显,其中以降低青菜和西芹失水率的作用效果最为明显,贮藏15 d后,普通冰箱中青菜和西芹的失水率分别是高湿度冰箱的1.66倍和1.70倍。


      Abstract: The changes of temperature, humidity and vegetables’ quality in the normal and the newly designed high-humidity refrigerator were tested and analyzed, which would verify the humidity-control property and vegetable quality control effect of the high-humidity refrigerator. The results indicated that both refrigerators supplied a stable temperature at 4~6℃, while high-humidity refrigerator had more stable and higher humidity than normal refrigerator. The relative humidity in high-humidity refrigerator was kept stable at 85%~96%. High-humidity refrigerator played a significant role in reducing the water loss, maintaining vitamin C content and firmness of Tai-tsai (Brassica campestris L.spp.) and celery (Apium graveolens L. var.). Among the quality factors, changes in water loss of Tai-tsai and celery stored in high-humidity refrigerator were most apparently reduced. Water loss rates of Tai-tsai and celery in regular refrigerator were 1.66 and 1.70 times as much as those in high-humidity refrigerator after storage for 15 days, respectively.


