
    Technical process for producing the biomass boards using sea alga Ulva pertusa kjellman species

    • 摘要: 该文以海藻的有效利用为出发点,利用孔石莼类海藻为原料,研制一种可自然降解的新型绿色环保材料——生物质板材,来取代现有的一部分塑料制品等。将海藻孔石莼在水饱和的状态下研碎,然后在恒温环境下进行自然纤维离解,从而提高纤维活性。再利用压缩成型方法将纤维二次连接以提高材料强度。最后利用电导传热干燥进行再脱水及纤维连接完成生物质板材制作。结果表明,孔石莼板材的破坏强度达到131 MPa,是一般聚乙烯发泡板材的4倍。因此,利用海藻、通过如上的制作工艺完全可以制作出性能优良的生物质板材。其高强度、可自然降解等特性,在营养钵、地面保温、覆盖等方面有很好的应用前景。


      Abstract: The purpose of this study was to utilize the biomass from Ulva pertusa kjellman to produce biodegradable boards for substituting the oil-based plastic materials. The experiment involved refining the Ulva pertusa kjellman in water, and then using thermostat in the same condition to defibrate fibers. In this process, fiber tip was changed to be fine cellulose. In the next process the materials were pressed for linking cellulose to be a biomass board. Finally, the biomass board was dehydrated and combined by heat conduction dryness. Technical evaluation of the resulting biodegradable board shows a rupture stress of 131 MPa, which is four times stronger compared with the polystyrene plastic material used in food container presently. Therefore, the use of biomass board as a substitute for the oil-based plastic materials as food packing container, culture pan, mulch film and so on is technically possible.


