向 阳, 谢方平, 汤楚宙, 熊 瑛. 输送带铺砂型排种器试验台的研制[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(6): 136-140.
    引用本文: 向 阳, 谢方平, 汤楚宙, 熊 瑛. 输送带铺砂型排种器试验台的研制[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(6): 136-140.
    Xiang Yang, Xie Fangping, Tang Chuzhou, Xiong Ying. Development of the seed-metering test bench with sand-paving conveyor belt[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2009, 25(6): 136-140.
    Citation: Xiang Yang, Xie Fangping, Tang Chuzhou, Xiong Ying. Development of the seed-metering test bench with sand-paving conveyor belt[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2009, 25(6): 136-140.


    Development of the seed-metering test bench with sand-paving conveyor belt

    • 摘要: 排种器试验台是检测排种器性能的关键测试设备。针对现有黄油皮带法工作原理存在不足,研究采用铺砂原理研制了一套由排砂、排种、输送以及控制等工作部分组成的排种器试验台。经实际测试结果表明,铺砂能有效消除种子着落弹跳现象,高洁净度砂带可为计算机图像识别种子分布状况提供良好参照背景;该试验台还具有无油垢污染、种子可循环利用以及操作简便等特点。


      Abstract: Seed metering device test bench is the key equipment for the device performance test. For solving the deficiency of the oil-belt method, we developed a seeding device test bench including the part of draining sand, draining seed, conveying and controlling by paving sand on conveyer belt. Test results showed that paving sand method can effectively eliminate the seed bounce. Paving high clean sand on the belt can provide favorable background for computer identifying seeds distribution. In addition, this equipment has advantage of no oil pollution, seeds recycling use and convenient operation.


