吴汉靓, 刘荣厚, 邓春健. 木屑快速热裂解生物油特性及其红外光谱分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(6): 219-223.
    引用本文: 吴汉靓, 刘荣厚, 邓春健. 木屑快速热裂解生物油特性及其红外光谱分析[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(6): 219-223.
    Wu Hanjing, Liu Ronghou, Deng Chunjian. Properties and Fourier transform infrared spectrum analysis on bio-oil from fast pyrolysis of poplar sawdust[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2009, 25(6): 219-223.
    Citation: Wu Hanjing, Liu Ronghou, Deng Chunjian. Properties and Fourier transform infrared spectrum analysis on bio-oil from fast pyrolysis of poplar sawdust[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2009, 25(6): 219-223.


    Properties and Fourier transform infrared spectrum analysis on bio-oil from fast pyrolysis of poplar sawdust

    • 摘要: 该文以杨木木屑快速热裂解制取的生物油为原料,对其进行了理化特性研究及傅立叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)分析,同时和甜高粱茎秆残渣热裂解生物油的特性进行了比较。结果表明,木屑生物油含水率较低(25.01%),热值较高(20.62 MJ/kg),常温下运动黏度为3.44 mm2/s,密度、灰分含量和残炭值分别为1072 kg/m3,0.305%,12.74%,且呈明显的酸性(pH=3.07)。随着温度的升高(25~100℃),木屑生物油运动黏度明显降低。木屑生物油的较低含水率和较高热值,使其在应用方面优于甜高粱茎秆残渣生物油。然而,从傅立叶变换红外光谱图上不同位置的吸收峰可以判断木屑生物油含有多种官能团,实际应用之前需要进一步的精制。


      Abstract: Research of physical-chemical properties and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrum (FTIR) analysis were conducted on bio-oil which was obtained through fast pyrolysis of poplar sawdust, apart from comparing with bio-oil from sweet sorghum stalk residues. The results showed that water content and heating value of bio-oil from sawdust was 25.01% and 20.62 MJ/kg, and its kinematic viscosity at room temperature, density, ash content and carbon residue content were 3.44 mm2/s, 1072 kg/m3, 0.305% and 12.74%, respectively. Simultaneously, the kinematic viscosity of bio-oil decreased significantly with the temperature increasing(25~100℃). With relatively low water content and high heating value, bio-oil from sawdust has wider application prospects than bio-oil from sweet sorghum stalk residues. However, a variety of functional groups inferred from the Fourier transform infrared spectra of different locations on the absorption peaks of bio-oil indicated that further refinery is required before its practical utilization.


