周显青, 张玉荣, 王君利, 于林平, 刘学军. 筛下物杂质对小麦微生物活动与储藏品质的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(6): 274-279.
    引用本文: 周显青, 张玉荣, 王君利, 于林平, 刘学军. 筛下物杂质对小麦微生物活动与储藏品质的影响[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(6): 274-279.
    Zhou Xianqing, Zhang Yurong, Wang Junli, Yu Linping, Liu Xuejun. Influence of sieve-through impurities on wheat microbe activity and storage quality[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2009, 25(6): 274-279.
    Citation: Zhou Xianqing, Zhang Yurong, Wang Junli, Yu Linping, Liu Xuejun. Influence of sieve-through impurities on wheat microbe activity and storage quality[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2009, 25(6): 274-279.


    Influence of sieve-through impurities on wheat microbe activity and storage quality

    • 摘要: 杂质类型与含量的控制是中国粮食流通面临的一个亟待解决的问题,选择性清除危害性较大的杂质,减轻或避免储藏过程中杂质导致的危害,旨在提高粮食储藏稳定性,减少储粮损失。该文在30℃、相对湿度为80%~90%储藏条件下,就筛下物杂质对小麦微生物活动及品质的影响进行了研究,结果表明:筛下物杂质通过其携带微生物间接影响小麦储藏品质。在适合霉菌生长的条件下,筛下物杂质可增加粮堆局部带菌量,并使其品质劣变;筛下物杂质携带霉菌越多,小麦品质变化越快。相关性分析可知:外部霉菌量、内部霉菌检出率与脂肪酸值呈显著正相关(r=0.799、0.602),与发芽率、过氧化物酶活性呈显著负相关。由此可见,筛下物杂质对小麦储藏品质影响较大,在小麦入库前宜尽可能地将筛下物杂质除净以减轻或避免储藏过程中杂质对小麦储藏的危害,增加小麦储藏的稳定性。


      Abstract: Controlling of impurity type and content is a serious problem to be solved and faced by China grain distribution for a long period. The selective removal of dangerous impurities and reducing or preventing the damage caused by impurities to quality of grain druring storage are helpful to improve the storageablity and reduce storage losses of grain. Under the conditions of temperature (30℃) and relative humidity (80%-90%), the influences of sieve-through impurities on microbe activity and storage quality under the simulated storage condition were carried out in this paper. The results showed as follows: the sieve-through impurities had an indirect effect on storage quality of wheat by microbes. Under the suitable temperature and relative humidity, the sieve-through impurities made the microbes of wheat pile increase and resulted in wheat deterioration. The more microbes carried on the sieve-through impurities, the more rapidly the storage quality of wheat changed. The correlation analysis showed that the amount of external microbes and the detection rate of internal microbes had a significantly positive correlation with the fatty acid value (r=0.799, 0.602), and significantly negative correlations with germination rate and the activity of peroxidase. It is obvious that the sieve-through impurities have a great influence on the wheat storage quality. Therefore, the sieve-through impurities should be separated as much as possible before wheat warehousing in order to reduce harm of the impurities to wheat quality during storage and increase the wheat storage stability.


