佟 懿, 谢 晶. 鲜带鱼不同贮藏温度的货架期预测模型(简报)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(6): 301-305.
    引用本文: 佟 懿, 谢 晶. 鲜带鱼不同贮藏温度的货架期预测模型(简报)[J]. 农业工程学报, 2009, 25(6): 301-305.
    Tong Yi, Xie Jing. Prediction model for the shelf-life of Trichiurus haumela stored at different temperatures[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2009, 25(6): 301-305.
    Citation: Tong Yi, Xie Jing. Prediction model for the shelf-life of Trichiurus haumela stored at different temperatures[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2009, 25(6): 301-305.


    Prediction model for the shelf-life of Trichiurus haumela stored at different temperatures

    • 摘要: 为了研究鲜带鱼在冷链流通中的品质变化与货架期,通过不同温度下的贮藏试验研究了鲜带鱼的货架期预测模型。将鲜带鱼贮藏在268、273、278、283和293 K条件下,测定了鲜带鱼的总菌落数、总挥发性盐基氮(T-VBN)、鲜度指标(K值)与感官品质指标的变化。在Arrhenius动力学方程基础之上,建立了菌落总数、总挥发性盐基氮和鲜度指标(K值)与贮藏时间及贮藏温度之间的动力学模型。试验表明一级化学反应动力学模型和Arrhenius方程对总菌落数、总挥发性盐基氮(T-VBN)及鲜度指标(K值)的变化具有较高的拟合精度。菌落总数变化预测模型中的活化能(EA)及速率常数(k0)分别为:71.26 kJ/mol和3.987×1013,挥发性盐基氮变化的活化能(EA)及速率常数(k0)分别为:68.86 kJ/mol和2.159×1012,鲜度指标(K值)变化的活化能(EA)及速率常数(k0)分别为:41.26 kJ/mol和2.539×107。结果表明,鲜带鱼的总菌落数、总挥发性盐基氮(T-VBN)、鲜度指标(K值)随着贮藏时间的延长而增加,且随着贮藏温度的升高而增加迅速,其感官品质指标随着贮藏时间的延长而下降,且随着贮藏温度的升高而下降迅速。该试验建立的带鱼货架期预测模型所获得货架期预测值准确率达到±10%以内,可根据菌落总数、T-VBN值及K值在268~293 K范围内,对带鱼的剩余货架期进行预测。


      Abstract: To study quality changes and shelf life in cold chain circulation, kinetic models were developed to predict the shelf-life of fresh Trichiurus haumela at different temperatures during storage. Total Viable Count(TVC), Total-Volatile Basic Nitrogen (T-VBN) value, K value and sensory evaluation at different storage temperatures (268, 273, 278, 283 and 293 K) were accessed to investigate the relation between the shelf-life and temperature. The kinetic models of TVC, T-VBN value and K value with respect to storage time and temperature were developed based on Arrhenius equation. The high regression coefficients(R2>0.9) indicated the acceptability of the first order reaction and Arrhenius model for predicting the changes of TVC, T-VBN value and K value of Trichiurus haumela. Activation energies(EA) and rate constants(k0) of TVC, T-VBN value, K value were obtained. They were 71.26 kJ/mol, 3.987×1013, 68.86 kJ/mol, 2.159×1012 and 41.26 kJ/mol, 2.539×107, respectively. The results indicate that TVC, T-VBN value and K value increase with the increase of storage time and temperature. It is observed that the evaluation of sensory quality decrease with storage time and increasing temperature. It shows from the reliability assessment between predicted and observed shelf-life that relative error is within ±10% calculated by the prediction model for the shelf-life of Trichiurus haumela. The remaining shelf-life of Trichiurus haumela can be predicted at the storage temperature from 268 K to 293 K based on TVC, T-VBN value and K value.


