
    Threshing principle of flexible pole-teeth roller for paddy rice

    • 摘要: 传统的水稻脱粒是采用刚性脱粒齿,由于打击力大,造成水稻籽粒破碎或内部破损,从而影响水稻种子的发芽率或大米加工的成米率。为进一步探索降低水稻脱粒破碎或破损率的方法,设计了一种脱粒原理类似刚性杆齿脱粒的柔性杆齿脱粒滚筒,对其脱粒力进行了研究。分析表明在滚筒转速一定的情况下,采用柔性杆齿脱粒增加了与稻穗的接触时间,减少了冲击力,柔性杆齿打击力小于刚性杆齿。脱粒对比试验结果表明,直径小于刚性杆齿的柔性杆齿脱粒滚筒能适应水稻脱粒要求,脱粒指标中破碎率显著低于刚性杆齿滚筒,未脱净率、含杂率、脱粒率和断穗率均与刚性杆齿脱粒滚筒相近。


      Abstract: Because of the much bigger beaten force, the paddy seeds were often broken or even interiorly damaged,and its germination rate or integral rice rate was reduced by the method of traditional rigidity thresher. In order to reduce the damages of the paddy seeds, a flexible threshing roller in parallelism of principle with rigidity pole-teeth roller was designed. Based on the study and analysis of the beating threshing processing and its principle of reducing beating forces,according to the threshing dynamics analysis, it could increase the contacting time and reduce impacting force when the flexible threshing teeth was used at a stable-roller speed; the beating force of the flexible teeth was less than that of the rigidty pole-teeth. Contrastive studies on threshing by using rigidity pole-teeth and flexible pole-teeth were made. The conclusion indicated that it could be used for threshing paddy rice when its diameter was less than that of the rigidty pole-teeth, and the indexes of threshing such as the unthreshed rate, purity, threshed rate and fringle-broken rate were similar with those of the rigidity pole teeth, and broken rate of grain threshing was prominent less than that of the rigidity pole-teeth.


