
    Effect of household biogas project development on farmland nutrient flow

    • 摘要: 该文采用养分流的分析方法,对比分析2007年中国13个沼气发展省份沼气农户和非沼气农户农田养分管理行为的差异。结果显示:两类农户单位面积化肥用量和秸秆还田率方面没有明显差异,部分地区沼气农户生活燃料比例明显减少,但地头秸秆燃烧情况加剧;粪尿养分还田率有较大不同,非沼气农户粪尿直接还田率达到96%,沼气农户只有39%,沼气农户大量粪尿进入沼气池,但只有33%的养分被利用,沼肥养分仅占沼气农户养分输入总量的9%。综合比较,沼气农户家庭有机养分比重仅有24%,而非沼气农户达到了43%;这导致了沼气农户单位面积养分输入总量为 781.62 kg/hm2,显著低于非沼气农户的850.82 kg/hm2。沼气农户的废弃物养分循环利用率只有45%,而非沼气农户达到70%。研究结果表明中国沼气农户并没有因为沼气发展而提高养分再利用,沼肥对化肥的替代效果没有表现出来,导致有机资源浪费。因此,必须加强沼气农户的技术培训,加强沼肥的还田力度,提高养分循环利用率,充分发挥沼气对家庭养分资源再利用的优势。


      Abstract: The method of nutrient flow was adopted to compare farmers’ nutrient management behaviors in 2007 between biogas and non-biogas farmer’s household in 13 investigated sites which included Sichuan, Guangxi, Heibei, et al. provinces. The results showed the total amount of nutrient for putting was only 781.62 kg/hm2 in biogas household, which was significantly lower than 850.82 kg/hm2 that put into no-biogas farmers' household. The two groups’ farmers had no significant difference in fertilizer and straw nutrient for putting to field per hectare; the amount of straws used as fuel for household was significantly decreasing,while the percentage which was burned in field was increasing in some investigated regions. But the percentage of manure putting into field in no-biogas farmers’ household was 96%, and that was only 39% in biogas farmers’ household. A great deal of manures put into biogas plants was not recycled into crop field. The percent of nutrient in biogas residue was only 9% of the total amount of nutrient returning to field. From a nutrient recycling view, the nutrient cycling efficiency of biogas farmers was 45%, which was only 64% of that in no-biogas farmers. Therefore, the booming development of biogas system in farmers household did not reduce the consumption of chemical fertilizer, and did not improve the recycling of organic nutrient. Although biogas system in farmers household eliminate nutrient loss from manure in somewhere, the farmers should be trained to use their crop residue properly, to understand the function of biogas residue as fertilizer and to use it reasonably. By this way, biogas system can be really used to improve nutrient problem in China.


