
    Performance detection experiment of precision seed metering device based on high-speed camera system

    • 摘要: 运用高速摄像系统对精密排种器的种子排种过程进行图像采集,将采集的图像进行背景去除、滤波、锐化、二值化等图像处理,提出了根据种子面积和质心位置特征值检测精密排种器性能的方法。在不同的工作参数下对排种精度和播种均匀性进行试验分析。试验结果表明:高速摄像检测和人工检测的排种合格指数相对误差小于1%,变异系数误差小于3%,此方法的检测精度满足精密排种器性能检测要求。


      Abstract: Seeds motion images during the sowing process were obtained using high-speed camera system. Image quality was enhanced effectively by means of the image processing which including the background elimination, image filter, image sharpening and binary processing. Detection method for precision seeder was established according to the analysis of area and characteristic values of centroid position of the seeds. Precision and sowing uniformity tests were carried out with different working parameters. The results of comparison between high-speed camera and manual detection showed that the relative error of seeding qualified index was less than 1% and coefficient of variation was less than 3%. The method presented in the paper is adapted to the accuracy requirements for performance detection of precision seeder.


