2000-2008年内蒙古草原MODIS NDVI时空特征变化

    Changes of spatial-temporal characteristics based on MODIS NDVI data in Inner Mongolia grassland from 2000 to 2008

    • 摘要: 该文选用2000-2008年的MODIS NDVI数据,采用统计学的分析方法,研究了内蒙古草原中温性草原、温性荒漠、低地草甸、温性荒漠草原、温性草甸草原、温性草原化荒漠、山地草甸7类主要植被类型9 a来年度NDVImax空间变化趋势、波动程度、出现时间等植被指数时空特征。结果显示,2000-2008年间,内蒙古草原植被总体趋于恢复。各类型草原年度NDVImax平均值趋于增加,NDVImax介于(0,0.4之间的低盖度草原植被面积趋于减少,NDVImax介于(0.4,1之间的高盖度草原植被面积趋于增加。在空间上,67.15%的草原面积植被状况趋于好转,32.85%的草原面积植被状况趋于恶化,2008年植被状况是9年来最好的一年。除温性荒漠外,内蒙古草原各植被类型NDVImax从6月底开始集中出现,至9月底结束,其中8月是温性草原和草甸类草原NDVImax集中出现的重要时期。


      Abstract: Time-series MODIS NDVI datasets for 2000-2008 were used in the study to investigate the changes of spatial-temporal characteristics in annual NDVImax for seven typical grassland types, i.e., temperate steppe, temperate desert, low-land meadow, temperate desert steppe, temperate meadow steppe, temperate steppe desert, up-land meadow in Inner Mongolia grassland. The analysis focused on the spatial change trends, the standard deviations and the occurrence time point of annual NDVImax for the period of 2000-2008. The results indicated that grassland vegetation in Inner Mongolia presented an obvious recovering trend over the past several years. The mean of annual NDVImax in seven grassland types showed an obvious increasing trend. For the changes in grassland areas over different grades, the areas with NDVImax values in (0, 0.4 were decreased largely, and the areas with NDVImax values in (0.4, 1 showed a increasing trend for the study period. Overall, the restoring grassland took up about 67.15% of the total area; the deteriorating grassland took the rest. The grassland vegetation in Inner Mongolia in 2008 was the best in the past nine years. The study also showed that there was about total area except temperate desert grassland where the NDVImax occured from the end of June to the end of September in each year. Especially August was the most important growing season for temperate steppe and meadow steppe in Inner Mongolia grassland.


