
    Optimization of technology for hydrogen production by anaerobic fermentation of swine manures

    • 摘要: 为了建立发酵工艺参数与氢气产量之间的数学模型, 以期获得较优的工艺参数,从而提高氢气产量,该文在单因素试验的基础上,采用三因素三水平的二次回归正交旋转组合设计及响应曲面分析法,建立了厌氧发酵产氢工艺中氢气产量的二次多项式数学模型,并以氢气产量为响应值作响应面和等高线,考察了以新鲜猪粪为发酵底物发酵产氢时初始pH值、水力停留时间和发酵底物中猪粪浓度3个因素及其交互作用对氢气产量的影响。分析结果表明,猪粪厌氧发酵产氢的较优工艺条件为:初始pH 5.98,水力停留时间4.123 d,猪粪干物质浓度 51.98 g/L;在此工艺条件下,氢气产率为32.4 mL/g。


      Abstract: In order to set up the mathematical model between fermentation process parameters and hydrogen production, obtain optimized parameters and higher hydrogen production, a hydrogen-producing technique using anaerobic fermentation method was researched on the basis of one-factor tests and the quadratic orthogonal regressive rotational combination design principle, and the method of response surface analysis with three factors and three levels was adopted. A quadratic equation for hydrogen yield was built. Response surface and contour were graphed with the hydrogen yield as the response value. Based on the analysis of the response surface plots and their corresponding contour plots, effects of pH value, hydraulic retention time and substrate concentration and their alternant effects were explored. By using the new method, the optimum hydrogen-producing conditions were obtained as follows: initial pH value of 5.98, hydraulic retention time of 4.123 d, substrate concentration of 51.98 g/L. Under the optimized conditions, the hydrogen production rate in the latter validatory experiment was 32.4 mL/g.


