
    Application of P5 and SPOT5 images in national land investigation

    • 摘要: 利用不同传感器、不同时相但具有相同分辨率的影像各自特点提取地物,可以达到较好的解译效果。首先对P5影像进行正射校正,与SPOT5影像精确配准。根据不同地物在SPOT5与P5影像上的影像特征分别建立解译标志并进行对比,通过比较根据SPOT5提取地物和SPOT5与P5二者共同使用提取地物与外业实地调查相比的精度,发现利用现势性好的经过校正后的P5影像与SPOT5配合使用,勾绘道路,耕地,工矿用地和新增地物的边线,可以提高解译精度,为外业提供准确的定位信息,而对于其他地类如林地、灌木林地、草地等,则需根据光谱信息丰富的SPOT5进行解译。


      Abstract: This paper utilized two images with different sensor and temporal but with the same resolution to interpret characteristics of surface features. At first, P5 image should be done orthorectification and accurate alignment with SPOT5 image. Interpretation symbols could be built according to objects appearing different characteristics on different images. Precision of outside investingation results was compared with pecision of investingation results by only using SPOT5 and by using SPOT5 and P5 together. It was shown that using corrected P5 images and SPOT5 image to interpret road, arable land, industrial and mining land and added features would be better, while other objects such as woodland, shrubbery land, lawn should be interpreted by SPOT5 with plentiful spectrum information.


