
    Response to small-scale ecological rehabilitation of fragile ecotope in Northern Shaanxi Province

    • 摘要: 为了评估陕北生态脆弱区生态恢复的生态经济效果,该文以陕北安塞县县南沟小流域为例,应用经济、能值和生态足迹分析方法,系统研究了流域生态恢复过程中生态与经济过程的演变,旨在揭示生态恢复的响应机制,探讨小尺度下经济可持续的生态恢复模式。研究结果表明,2000-2005年流域产业结构及其多样性显著改善。能值分析结果表明2002-2005年流域资源输入结构有所改善,能值转换率呈下降趋势表明系统生产效率在提高,可持续性指数增加。生态足迹计算结果显示流域2000年和2005年的生态盈余分别为0.03 hm2和0.239 hm2,生态压力指数(IEFP)分别为0.980和0.838,生态压力减小,生态经济系统具备可持续发展条件。每万元产值生态足迹(EFprod)2000年和2005年分别为53.5 hm2和33.6 hm2,单位生态足迹能值(EMEF)2002年和2005年分别为1.93×1012 sej/hm2和2.00×1012 sej/hm2,这两个生态经济综合指标的变化表明资源的经济利用效率和集约化程度在逐步改善。上述结果显示生态恢复提高了流域资源利用和转换效率,环境负载率下降,经济活动对生态生产性空间的占用减少,可持续性潜力增强。研究结果表明生态恢复是陕北生态脆弱区实现生态经济良性耦合、协调发展的基本途径。


      Abstract: Xiannangou small catchment was used as a case to assess the ecological-economic effects of ecological rehabilitation of fragile ecotope in Northern Shaanxi Province. The evolution of ecological and economic processes in the course of ecological rehabilitation in this catchment were analyzed in order to reveal the mechanisms of response to ecological restoration and search the economically sustainable eco-restoration mode of small-scale fragile ecotope using the methods of economics, emergy and ecological footprint. The results showed that over the period of 2000-2005, the structure and diversity of the catchment’s industries were significantly improved. The results of emergy analysis suggested an improvement for resources input structure, system productive efficiency was increased with decreasing transformity and the emergy-based sustainability index was increased in the catchment during the period from 2002 to 2005. The ecological footprint calculation gave an ecological surplus with 0.030 hm2 and 0.239 hm2 in 2000 and 2005, respectively. And ecological footprint pressure index (IEFP) with 0.980 and 0.838 in 2000 and 2005, respectively. Ecological pressure reduced, and eco-economic system would provide conditions for sustainable development. Two integrated indicators, ecological footprint per 10 000 (EFprod) with the value of 53.5 and 33.6 hm2 in 2000 and 2005, respectively, and emergy per EF(EMEF) with the value of 1.93×1012 sej/hm2 and 2.00×1012 sej/hm2 in 2002 and 2005, respectively, implied the gradual improvement in resources economic efficiency and intensive degree. All results presented above suggested that ecological rehabilitation contributes to the improvement of resource use and conversion efficiency, as well as to decreases in environmental loading ratio and area of biological productive for economic activities, and increases the sustainability potential in the catchment. This study indicates that ecological restoration is an essential pathway to the ecological and economic coupling and harmonization of fragile ecotope in Northern Shaanxi Province.


