
    Effect of pressure fluctuation on vacuum cooling performance of cabbage

    • 摘要: 为了提高结构紧密型果蔬的预冷效果,通过设定不同的压力波动区间,进行卷心菜真空冷却试验。分析了此过程中菜体温度变化规律,比较了不同的压力波动区间对冷却效果的影响。试验发现,压力波动区间分别为560,660Pa、610,710Pa和660,760Pa时,当卷心菜表面温度达到预定的2.50℃时,耗时分别为17.95、24.63和29.55 min,中心温度分别为8.50、2.99和3.26℃。结果表明:610,710Pa的压力波动区间,对卷心菜进行真空冷却的效果较好;真空冷却过程中,卷心菜中心至表面的温度变化的速度呈非线性分布;真空室的压力波动能够提高食品冷却过程中温度分布的均匀性。


      Abstract: Pressure fluctuations in different ranges were selected in the cabbage vacuum cooling processing to improve pre-cooling effect of fruits and vegetables with the compact structure, and the changes of temperature were analyzed, and the effect of pressure fluctuation on cooling performance was compared. It was found that it needed 17.95, 24.63 and 29.55 min when the surface temperature reached 2.50℃ and the center temperature reached 8.50, 2.99 and 3.26℃ respectively with pressure fluctuation in different ranges of 560, 660Pa, 610, 710Pa and 660, 760Pa. The results show that the pressure fluctuation of 610, 710Pa is the most effective pressure range during cabbage vacuum cooling. The change of temperature from the face to the center is non-linear and pressure fluctuation is an effective method to make the temperature even in the food during the vacuum cooling.


