
    Comparison between combined radio frequency and hot air treatment and hot air treatment on bread fresh-keeping

    • 摘要: 为将射频技术应用到袋装面包的保鲜处理中,以有效延长袋装面包的保存期,论文研究了射频-热风处理对于袋装面包的保鲜效果,并从灭菌效应、加热速率以及处理后面包的品质变化3方面与传统的热风处理方式作了对比。研究表明,与传统的热风处理相比,射频-热风处理可在更低的温度和更短的时间内获得满意的杀菌效果。对袋装切片面包进行射频-热风处理,其加热速率约为传统热风处理的30倍,并且可以更好地保持面包的品质,但其缺点是会引起面包表面积较大的收缩。


      Abstract: The objective of the research was to apply radio frequency (RF) technology on the preservation of packaged bread to extend bread storage life. The effect of combined RF and hot air treatment on the extension of bread storage life was studied to compare with that of conventional hot air treatment from the respects of lethal effect, heating rate and quality changes of treated bread. Much lower mean product temperature and shorter holding time were used for complete control of Penicillium citrinum spores with combined RF and hot air treatment compared with conventional heating. Combined RF and hot air treatment provided a heating rate of 30 times that of conventional hot air treatment for in-package bread to lethal temperatures, and showed advantages in maintaining treated bread quality except for the larger shrinkage.


