
    Non-destructive measurement of diameter of overlapping grape fruit based on morphological image processing

    • 摘要: 葡萄果实尺寸变化能用来评价葡萄生长及诊断植株水分亏损状况。为实现重叠葡萄果实尺寸的非接触和精确测量,该文提出基于数学形态学的重叠葡萄果实直径测量方法,该方法首先通过内外对象标记消除图像中存在的伪极小值点,再对去除伪极小值点后图像进行分水岭变换得到目标果实的精准轮廓,从而依据目标果实区域计算果实当量直径。试验和现场应用表明,该方法具有好的定位精度,能为葡萄果实直径测量提供精确的轮廓信息;测量系统具有非接触和高精度等优点,测量的重复精度可达±9 μm,为葡萄生长规律研究及葡萄缺水诊断提供了参考。


      Abstract: Fruit size variations could be used to describe grape growth and detect water deficit stress. To realize non-contact and accurate measurements of overlapping grape fruit diameter, authors proposed a computer vision measurement method based on mathematical morphology. In this method,the false minimum points in the original gradient image were eliminated by detected markers. Watershed transform was applied on the modified gradient image to find accurate contour of the target fruit. The equivalent diameter was calculated by fruit pixels. Experimental results and field applications showed that the segmentation algorithm of the system had higher location accuracy and could provide precise contours of the grape. The measurement system has the advantages of non-contact and high accuracy, and the accuracy of repeatability achieves ±9 μm. The system provides a reference for monitoring grape growth and diagnosing grape water deficit, which is used for grape water-saving irrigation.


