
    Effects of drip irrigation mode on spatial distribution of soil water and nitrogen and winter wheat yield

    • 摘要: 大田作物最优滴灌模式的研究是滴灌技术深入推广应用过程中的重要研究内容,通过田间试验,选取地表滴灌和地下滴灌两种滴灌类型,研究其在4种不同灌溉制度下农田水、氮空间分布规律以及冬小麦产量的差异。试验结果表明,在土壤水分控制范围相同时,不同滴灌类型下冬小麦生育期内所需的灌水总量和灌水频率不存在显著差异;在施肥量和灌水定额基本相同时,地下滴灌较地表滴灌促使硝态氮向深层土壤运移的几率更大。但总体而言,不同滴灌类型相同灌溉制度下,硝态氮运移规律基本相似;同种滴灌类型不同滴灌制度下的各处理冬小麦产量存在显著差异。而且,在充分灌时,不同滴灌模式下的冬小麦产量差异性不显著;非充分灌时,滴灌模式对冬小麦产量存在显著影响。


      Abstract: Study on best drip irrigation mode applied in field plants plays an important role in the promotion process of drip irrigation technology. Field experiments which choose two drip irrigation types and four different irrigation schedules were carried out to assess the effects of drip irrigation mode on spatial distribution of soil water, soil nitrogen and winter wheat yield. The results showed that drip irrigation mode had little effect on irrigation quantum and irrigation frequency in the period of winter wheat growth on the basis of the same soil water controlling range. And based on the same fertilizing amount and irrigation quota, subsurface drip irrigation impeled nitrogen to deep soil obviously compared with drip irrigation. The nitrate nitrogen transport had similar rules with different drip irrigation types but same irrigation schedules, and the irrigation schedule had obvious effect on winter wheat yield when adopted same drip irrigation types but different drip irrigation schedules. The drip irrigation mode exerted little effect on winter wheat yield under sufficient irrigation and had obvious effect on winter wheat yield under deficit irrigation.


