
    Spatial distribution characteristics of irrigation water requirement for main crops in China

    • 摘要: 作物需水量和灌溉需水量的时空分布是科学地制定不同地区灌溉用水定额的依据。该文基于全国范围200多个气象站近30 a逐日的气象资料和不同地区作物生育阶段的调查统计资料,采用FAO推荐的Penman-Monteith方法和作物系数法,计算了30种作物的需水量和净灌溉需水量,并用各地灌溉试验站的实测资料进行了检验。利用GIS的空间分析功能,采用反距离加权插值法得到主要作物多年平均作物需水量与净灌溉需水量的等值线图。选择种植面积最广的小麦、玉米、棉花和水稻4种作物,分析其作物需水量与净灌溉需水量的空间分布特征,得到不同地区主要作物的灌溉需求指数。研究表明:中国东北区、长江中下游区、华南区、川渝区和云贵区平均灌溉需求指数小于0.5,作物对灌溉的需求比较低;华北区、蒙宁区和晋陕甘区旱作物30%~50%的需水靠灌溉补充,水稻55%~80%的需水依靠灌溉;新疆地区主要作物的灌溉需求指数均在0.7以上,农业的发展完全依赖于灌溉。


      Abstract: Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of crop water requirement and irrigation requirement are the bases for determining the irrigation quota in different areas. Based on the daily meteorological data over the past 30 years from more than 200 stations in China and the statistical data of crop growth stages from different areas, crop water requirement (ETc) and net irrigation requirement (IR) of 30 kinds of crops were estimated by using FAO Penman-Monteith equation and crop coefficient method. The results were validated with the observed data form different irrigation stations in different areas. Isolines of the average ETc and IR of main crops were obtained by GIS and IDW interpolation methods. The spatial distribution characteristics of ETc and IR for wheat, maize, cotton and rice were analyzed, which were the most widely planted crops in China. The irrigation requirement indexes of main crops in different areas were obtained by IR/ETc. Results revealed that mean irrigation requirement index in Northeast China, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and South China were generally less than 0.5, and the crop irrigation water requirement in these areas was not high. In North China Plain, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Shanxi, Shaanxi and Gansu, 30%-50% of the crop water requirements depended on irrigation for dryland crops, 55%-80% of water consumption came from irrigation for rice. In Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the irrigation requirement indexes of main crops were over 0.7, and the development of agriculture relied entirely on irrigation.


