
    Performance test on corn thresher with different-speed threshing parts

    • 摘要: 为优化差速式玉米种子脱粒机脱粒系统的有关参数,进而降低玉米种子在脱粒过程中的损伤,该文采用二次回归正交旋转组合设计的方法,以籽粒破碎率为主要性能指标,选取直辊转速、喂入量、籽粒含水率为试验因素,对差速式玉米种子脱粒机进行了性能试验。分析结果表明:籽粒含水率对破碎率的影响呈二次函数关系,籽粒含水率太大或太小,对籽粒破碎率的影响都很大;喂入量越小,籽粒破碎率就越小,当喂入量低于0.9 kg/s时,籽粒破碎率稳定,基本不受喂入量的影响;直辊转速越小,籽粒破碎率就越小;直辊转速、籽粒含水率和喂入量对籽粒破碎率的交互影响也很显著,当籽粒含水率在18%,喂入量在0.9 kg/s,直辊转速在200 r/min时,籽粒破碎率取得最小值。研究成果对进一步研究玉米种子的差速脱粒原理、优化脱粒系统参数、开发低损伤脱粒工艺具有重要的意义。


      Abstract: In order to optimize parameters of threshing system of corn thresher with different speeds threshing parts, and minimize mechanical damage of corn seeds in the course of threshing, an experiment of second order regression orthogonal rotation design was carried out with rotating speed of straight roller, feeding quantity and kernel water contents as influence factors and broken rate of kernel as major criterion. The results of testing showed that relation of water content and kernel broken rate was quadratic function, and the broken rate of kernel was increased with the increasing or reducing of the water contents. The broken rate of kernel was increased with the increasing of feeding quantity. When the feeding quantity was less than 0.9 kg/s, the broken rate of kernel was stable and unaffected by the feeding quantity; the broken rate of kernel was also increased with the increasing of the rotating speed of straight roller. There was significantly interactive effect for broken rate of kernel among the three influence factors. The value of kernel broken rate reached minimum with kernel water contents 18%, feeding quantity 0.9 kg/s and the rotating speed of straight roller 200 r/min. This research has important meanings for future research on mechanism of seed corn thresher and parameters optimization of threshing system, and it also is useful for developing threshing technology with low damage.


