
    Estimation of straw resources in China

    • 摘要: 中国秸秆资源估算存在着统计不完全、草谷比取值不当等问题。该文采用草谷比法,选取经过订正的秸秆草谷比,对中国秸秆资源进行了全面系统的估算。估算结果表明:随着农业综合生产能力的提高,中国秸秆总产量总体上呈不断增长之势;目前中国是世界第一秸秆大国,2005年全国秸秆总产量达到84 183.12万t;稻草、玉米秸、麦秸依然是中国的主要作物秸秆类型;稻壳、玉米芯、蔗渣、甜菜渣等农产品初级加工副产品具有可观的新能源开发前景。


      Abstract: There are some problems such as statistics lacking, unsuitability of the ratio of main product output to that of by-product of the crops in the estimation of straw resources. The paper chooses the revised ratio of main product output to that of by-product of crops and estimates the quantity of straw resource comprehensively and systematically. The estimation results show that the total straw yield in China has a generally increasing trend with the improvement of agricultural comprehensive production capacity, and China is the biggest country in straw resources that its total output of straw resources in 2005 reached 841 831 200 t, which the straw of food crops was the main source. It has a great potential for rice husk, corncob, bagasse to develop new energy.


