
    Evaluation and decision-making for selecting cultivated land into prime farmland

    • 摘要: 针对当前耕地入选基本农田评价缺乏系统性和基本农田指标分解决策导向性不强等问题,该文在系统考虑耕地土壤生态质量、生产能力、利用状况以及地区经济发展等因素基础上,构建了耕地入选基本农田综合评价指标体系,并以粮食安全为导向,基于组合评价法及其组合评价结果进行基本农田指标分解决策。江苏省耕地入选基本农田评价结果表明,社会经济发展对耕地入选基本农田的影响远大于土壤质量与粮食产量等;同时,基本农田分解决策表明,江苏省大部分县市城市化、工业化侵占耕地已基本达到极限,亟需尽快转型为集约化内涵挖潜发展模式。该文研究成果对于省域尺度新一轮土地利用总体规划的基本农田划定研究,具有重要的理论和实践意义。


      Abstract: Considering that there is not a systematic evaluation method for prime farmland selection and assignation, an evaluation index system was built up including soil quality, grain production, land use status and regional economic level. Aiming at food security, prime farmland protection target of Jiangsu Province was assigned to each county based on a combinatorial evaluation method. The results showed that social and economic factors weighted much more than soil quality and grain production in the assignation. With rapid urbanization and industrialization, most of the counties in Jiangsu Province had reached a precipice of farmland lost and desiderated a transformation of development model to an intensive one. The research would contribute to prime farmland planning in the new run of the land use comprehensive planning.


